Friday, June 12, 2009

Hot History

I was fortunate enough to attend the annual Luncheon thrown by the Long Island Chapter of the Romance Writers of America today. The event hosts editors and agents and writers of every stripe who have a fabulous opportunity to meet, mingle, network and, most importantly, pitch in a relaxed and convivial environment.

What I took away from the luncheon (besides some goodies, and new friends) was that yes, historical is still big, yes, everyone is looking for great historicals and that hot, hot, hot historicals are REALLY in demand.

While paranormal historicals also seem to be growing in popularity (this includes the new subgenre of steam-punk), it is the heat level that both editors and agents were anxious to stress.

In other words, it aint' your Grandmother's Regency that anyone is looking for these days. The opportunity to blend the drama of bygone eras with the lush sensuality of today's romance is great. Folks like Victoria Alexander, Madeline Hunter, Hope Tarr, Stephanie Laurens and others are ramping up the sexual factor and readers are loving it.

Several folks said they were looking for good medievals, lots of Regency and, of course the stalwart Scottish historical are still in demand.

In fact, I had a great chat regarding the particulars of condoms in World War I, which had figured in one editor's recent historical erotic romance.

Where Rosemary Rogers, Thea Devine and Bertrice Small have led, countless others are now following and the fervor with which the heated historical are being received has not dimmed a whit.

So you may want to strike that tinder and get a fire going. Historical-style!

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